Kissing and the Second Date
So, you're on the second date and she obviously likes you enough because she's out with you again. As many women commented in an online survey, the degree of further intimacy depends on how well you've connected with her. The message here is to take it slow, be yourself, be honest and show you're truly interested in her. Forty-two percent of all women still want a soft, sensual kiss with NO tongue when on a second date.
Thirty-one percent, however, said they want an all out kissing session, including tongue. Here's where you have to read her body language and follow her lead. If she offers up the tongue, then by all means, respond and use yours. But do not ever force a kiss on a woman, as it will turn most of them off. As noted above, a big no-no for women is the aggressive kisser. Keep it soft and sensual.
The idea is to follow her lead. It will be worth it to you. Don't be aggressive - it's a losing proposition at this point, unless you're sure of her feelings about you. Don't take that risk at this point - unless she gives you the go ahead. According to a survey at University of New York in Albany, a bad kiss can shut things down fast! It's called a deal breaker.
A rule of thumb: if it is not offensive to you and she indicates she wants it - why not? Be accommodating, because after all, you have a lot to gain and nothing to lose.
Peg Sausville created an online survey for women about what they want in the kissing experience. Over 300 women completed this survey and revealed candid details on what they really want in a kiss. Get the insider information and be a fly on the wall. Learn how to be the kisser every woman wants! If you are a woman and you know a man who would benefit from this information- send him here: http://www.kissingandmore.com Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Kissing-and-the-Second-Date&id=2913961 |