Much like most other dating simulation games, the main target audience for these types of games is young girls. Your ultimate goal is to build a relationship with a partner you might fancy in hopes to make them your boyfriend (or girlfriend).
The main difference I admired about Love Dating Sim For Girls is that you are able to have a same-sex relationship with another woman. It is one of the few games I've seen that allows you to have an open gay relationship. The only other game I know that did this is RPG game, Mass Effect.
As aforementioned, your ultimate goal is to land yourself a boyfriend and/or girlfriend at the end of the game. You only have 30 days to build a strong enough connection to your potential partner to be. Talking to them at first and getting to know them is the best way for you to build a relationship. It's advisable that you only talk to one person at a time. You don't want to be two-timing or else you partner will think you're cheating on them! Although you are able to do this if you really wanted to.
Unlike other dating sim games I've played in the past, this one you have to pay attention to the person you're talking to earn their trust. Sometimes I forget what they're saying so I was unable to gain that person's trust. Luckily for me, you can earn their trust by other means. The easiest way to do this is by purchasing gifts for your potential partner to be.
The only thing I did not like about the game is it can be quite repetitive. Going through each day just talking to a guy (or girl) can be very boring at times. Thankfully the graphics and animations are bright so it does help excite things.
Love Dating Sim For Girls may not be the most groundbreaking video game I've ever played, but the ability for you to have a same sex relationship in the game is a good thing. There aren't too many games I've played that uses gay characters in a normal way. Most games (and other media) use gay characters as a source of humiliation and ridicule. This is a good step in the right direction if gay people are to be accepted in normal society. Let's hope future games being made use this as an example.