In the world of dating it is very important that we have our senses tuned into recognising a love rat. Love rats come in all shapes and sizes and are lurking everywhere just waiting to pounce. If you know what to look for you can save yourself a lot of time and heartache.
Love rats come off very arrogant and confident, as if they expect to be showered with attention and admiration. You may also notice when you are around them their eyes are wandering as if to check out to see who else they can victimise. Often being very flirtatious and overly engaging with everyone around them, and you may notice that they are often recognised, and may have quite a few competing for their attention.
Love rats will also be seen dating a lot of different people. They will be with someone new most of the time. They will engage in multiple conversations to see who will be most vulnerable to their advances. They are often very attractive and well-built and show off to those around them. The air of confidence they have is what inevitably makes them attractive to most.
Should you be out on a date with a love rat, you may see them checking their phones a lot, looking for missed calls and texts. You may find that they disappear, or are not available to you. They may have missing blocks of time, or you may catch them lying about where they have been. You may sense something strange is going on but they have their way of assuring you that everything is fine. Do not ignore your instincts, if you feel like something is not right, it is probably not.
With these tips above you should now be able to spot one a mile away. Should you decide to start dating a love rat, make sure that you don't see any signs that they are going to stray. Offer them a challenge, don't be so readily available to them. A love rat wants a challenge, and will take advantage of those who are doting. It is certainly possible for them to fall in love and be monogamous but be sure to have your guard up to protect your heart.
Many of us can't resist their charms, but all in all we would all be better off if we steer clear. In doing so you will save yourself a lot of stress.
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Dating-Advice:-How-to-Spot-a-Love-Rat&id=5926529